online Coeur d'con
august 21, 22, 23, 2020
Dear Coeur d’Con Friends,
In light of the current concerns about COVID-19 in our community and around the world, we have decided to take Coeur d’Con 2020 online. We care about each and every one of you, and we want to help you stay as safe as possible. We also want to continue celebrating the connections, that your unique geeky passions inspire, the best that we can. With all this in mind, the Coeur d’Con Team has been brainstorming ways to make Online Coeur d’Con as safe and as fun as possible.
Some of the ways that we can still connect and have fun will be through online fan art, cosplay contests, and panels. (More information about the changes to our contest submission forms will be coming soon.)
We also want to give extra support to our local vendors and artists. We realize that a lot of people are financially hurting at this time. We’re hoping to provide a special online version of our vendor and artist booths (for anyone who can provide an online shopping experience). The table fee is being waived, as well. We’ll be contacting our current vendor and artist applicants with more information in early July.
We’ve also decided to expand the days that Online Coeur d’Con will be offered to August 21-23, 2020. We hope that gives you time to experience Online Coeur d’Con to the fullest at your own pace without overwhelming you with screen time.
We realize that this announcement may be disappointing. We are doing our best to provide a little bit of what makes Coeur d’Con awesome, while keeping you as safe as possible.
We’re all in this together. Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay hopeful.
❤️ Coeur d’Con Team
In light of the current concerns about COVID-19 in our community and around the world, we have decided to take Coeur d’Con 2020 online. We care about each and every one of you, and we want to help you stay as safe as possible. We also want to continue celebrating the connections, that your unique geeky passions inspire, the best that we can. With all this in mind, the Coeur d’Con Team has been brainstorming ways to make Online Coeur d’Con as safe and as fun as possible.
Some of the ways that we can still connect and have fun will be through online fan art, cosplay contests, and panels. (More information about the changes to our contest submission forms will be coming soon.)
We also want to give extra support to our local vendors and artists. We realize that a lot of people are financially hurting at this time. We’re hoping to provide a special online version of our vendor and artist booths (for anyone who can provide an online shopping experience). The table fee is being waived, as well. We’ll be contacting our current vendor and artist applicants with more information in early July.
We’ve also decided to expand the days that Online Coeur d’Con will be offered to August 21-23, 2020. We hope that gives you time to experience Online Coeur d’Con to the fullest at your own pace without overwhelming you with screen time.
We realize that this announcement may be disappointing. We are doing our best to provide a little bit of what makes Coeur d’Con awesome, while keeping you as safe as possible.
We’re all in this together. Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay hopeful.
❤️ Coeur d’Con Team
Coeur d'con is a comic convention celebrating books, movies, games, manga, comics, and all of the many avenues of geek culture. Entrance to the convention is free with local businesses, artists, and experts exhibiting and selling their goods throughout the library, offering a plethora of unique wares and perspectives on pop culture.
This event is organized, and hosted, by the the staff (and volunteers) of the Coeur d'Alene Public Library. Staff and volunteers offer a variety of themed crafts, games and other activities, with events for every age group throughout the day. All library-led crafts and activities will be free for participants.
But what would a comic con be without costumes? Fans are encouraged to dress to impress for Coeur d'con, visit us again in the next few months to learn the details of this year's Cosplay contest. As this will be a family-friendly event, participants are encouraged to keep costumes tasteful and appropriate for the audience.
Are you a budding artist looking to show your skills to the community? Enter the Coeur d'Con Fan Art Contest by downloading the application from the Cosplay and Fan Art Contest tab or by picking up an entry form at the library. Winners will be selected by popular vote from each age category: pre-school (0-6,) kids (7-12,) teens (13-17,) and adults (18+,) and will be contacted after the convention. Pieces can be 2 or 3 dimensional and, as with the costumes, should be appropriate for a family-friendly event.
Interested in participating as a panelist, presenter, guest, vendor, or artist? Check out the Vendor & Artists tab or the Panels, Fan Meetups, & Activity Zones tab, where you can access applications, keep up with the latest updates, and contact event coordinators. You can also RSVP to the event on Facebook.
Get in touch with con staff by emailing us at [email protected], messaging us at, using the contact tab above, or by leaving a comment below.
This event is organized, and hosted, by the the staff (and volunteers) of the Coeur d'Alene Public Library. Staff and volunteers offer a variety of themed crafts, games and other activities, with events for every age group throughout the day. All library-led crafts and activities will be free for participants.
But what would a comic con be without costumes? Fans are encouraged to dress to impress for Coeur d'con, visit us again in the next few months to learn the details of this year's Cosplay contest. As this will be a family-friendly event, participants are encouraged to keep costumes tasteful and appropriate for the audience.
Are you a budding artist looking to show your skills to the community? Enter the Coeur d'Con Fan Art Contest by downloading the application from the Cosplay and Fan Art Contest tab or by picking up an entry form at the library. Winners will be selected by popular vote from each age category: pre-school (0-6,) kids (7-12,) teens (13-17,) and adults (18+,) and will be contacted after the convention. Pieces can be 2 or 3 dimensional and, as with the costumes, should be appropriate for a family-friendly event.
Interested in participating as a panelist, presenter, guest, vendor, or artist? Check out the Vendor & Artists tab or the Panels, Fan Meetups, & Activity Zones tab, where you can access applications, keep up with the latest updates, and contact event coordinators. You can also RSVP to the event on Facebook.
Get in touch with con staff by emailing us at [email protected], messaging us at, using the contact tab above, or by leaving a comment below.
The Coeur d’Con Team has made every effort to ensure a family-friendly online environment for our attendees, but despite these efforts, navigating the virtual world is never risk-free. Adults may want to monitor their children’s use of our online activities to ensure their safety. If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call at 208.769.2315 or email us at [email protected].